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#113 : Délivrance

David et le reste des Fisher doivent se confronter au caractère de Tracy Montrose Blaire qui veut tout contrôler et qui a la vision de funérailles resplendissantes pour sa tante Lilian qui vient juste de déceder. Brenda rend visite à Billy, qui a beaucoup de remords à l'hôpital psychiatrique, puis se dispute avec Nate qui a de dramatiques répercussions, un accident de voiture. David est forcé de prendre parti à l'église quand lui et les autres diacres sont informés que le Père Jack a béni des mariages d'homosexuels. Gabe reprend de mauvaises habitudes quand lui et Claire vont à une fête chez son amie Parker. Ruth termine sa relation avec Hiram et commence quelquechose avec Nikolaï. En fin d'épisode, Rico célèbre le baptême de son fils avec une superbe réception aux pompes funèbres Fisher et Fils....

Titre VO
Knock, Knock

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Ruth et Nikolaï

Ruth et Nikolaï

La famille de Rico

La famille de Rico

Brenda et Nate

Brenda et Nate

Claire en pleine discussion

Claire en pleine discussion

Brenda rend visite à Billy à l'hôpital psychiatrique

Brenda rend visite à Billy à l'hôpital psychiatrique

Plus de détails


Scene: Country Club Golf Course

GILARDI is playing golf with the Southwest Regional Director for Kroehner Services, International, MITZI DALTON HUNTLEY. She is Southern, brash, and uncouth.

Gilardi: Expansion has slowed but, then, the economy has slowed. It's only natural.

Mitzi: No, growth is the only thing that is natural, Mr. Gilardi, and growth is the only thing that is acceptable. Now, I know that may sound harsh, but it's the truth. To accept anything less is sheer laziness, and if there's one thing I can't abide, it is laziness. I've been watching you.

Gilardi: Really?

Mitzi: Oh, yeah. You're smart, you're ambitious. (swings the golf club in the air, practising) You're also shallow and amoral. I like that in a man. (GILARDI laughs) Kroehner needs new funeral homes, Mr. Gilardi. We've got a serious cash flow problem. We need new real estate that we can unload at a profit, 'cause we are not exactly liquid at the moment, you understand what I'm saying?

Gilardi: I do.

Mitzi: I need at least three new homes in the Los Angeles area by the end of the year.

Gilardi: Three?

Mitzi: That's right, three, and I'm making you personally responsible for finding them. Now, I would only do that if I thought that you were up to it. Any questions?

Gilardi: No, ma'am.

Mitzi: Hey, fuck you with the ma'am shit! You call me that one more time, I'll have your balls on a plate, your spleen on a stick, and your heart bubble-wrapped and Fed-Exed to your mama. Alright?

Gilardi: Alright.

MITZI prepares to make her swing but suddenly has a severe chest pain and clutches her chest.

Mitzi: Fuck!

Gilardi: (comes closer to her, concerned) Mrs. Huntley, are you alright?

Mitzi: Yeah, I'm fine. I shouldn't have had those escargot at lunch. Little fuckers always give me heartburn! (she belches and they both laugh) Hey, let's quit after this hole. I need a drink.

She takes a swing, which throws the ball in the wrong direction and sends up a clump of grass.

Mitzi: Goddammit, I huffed it!

Cut to LILLIAN GRACE MONTROSE, TRACY MONTROSE BLAIR's aunt, a 62-year-old woman, who is sitting at an outside table, reading a book with her dog by her side. Suddenly, the golf ball flies out of nowhere and strikes her in the head. She slumps over dead, instantly. The screen fades to white.

SEPTEMBER 9, 1939 - JUNE 14, 2001"

Act One

Scene One: Funeral Director's Examination Room, afternoon

NATE sits at a long table, with many other people, taking the Funeral Director's Licensing Exam. Suddenly, his beeper starts beeping. He checks the message, which reads, "I Need You -- B." He shuts it off and puts it away.

Scene Two: Fisher Front Room

The doorbell rings repeatedly. DAVID comes to the door and opens it, and in comes TRACY, who is wearing dark sunglasses. She is very weepy.

David: Uh-- hi.

Tracy: David, something awful's happened. I didn't know where else to turn. (hugs him)

David: Look, Tracy, I'm sorry you're having trouble, but I thought I made it clear to you--

Tracy: (takes off sunglasses) I need to arrange a funeral!

David: Oh!

Tracy: Yes, my Aunt Lillian! She was only the most important person in my whole life. What, you thought I was here for some other reason? (he gives her a face) Oh, David, please, you need to get over yourself! (walking into the next room) Alright, this won't be hard. I'm massively organized. I'm a professional party planner, did you know that? I did this huge party for New Line for the Golden Globes last year. The Hollywood Reporter called it "respledent," and it was. Well, Aunt Lillian's funeral needs to be equally respledent!

Scene Three: Intake Meeting Room, a little while later

Tracy: (talks on a cellphone with overhead set) I need these programs by tomorrow afternoon at the latest, George. Oh, you've been such a good supplier to me. I'd hate to see that relationship come to an end... Oh, great, thank you! OK, bye, now. (hangs up) Alright, that takes care of that. Now, I have to run over to Harry Winston's and see if I can get them to loan me something fabulous for Aunt Lillian's viewing.

David: (bored out of his mind, he holds a contract) Tracy, I just need you to sign--

Tracy: I'm serious, David. Don't worry about the cost! She practically raised me! I owe her! Besides, she was loaded! And also I intend to sue the pants off that country club!

David: I still need a signature before--

Tracy: I've had it out for them ever since my debut, when one of the Chinese busboys made a really inappropriate comment about the neckline in my dress! (puts on her sunglasses and leaves) I'll be faxing you!

Scene Four: Brenda's House

NATE enters the house. BRENDA is sitting out on the porch on the other side of her living room, smoking pot.

Brenda: Christ, Nate, what took you so long?

Nate: I told you, I was taking the Funeral Director's Licensing Exam. I had to finish otherwise I'd have to wait until next March to take it again.

Brenda: Oh, God, I'm sorry! It's just-- I have to see Billy in the hospital. I have to, Nate.

Nate: Alright.

Brenda: He needs me. I can feel it. Will you come with me, please?

Nate: Of course.

Brenda: Thank you.

Scene Five: School Parking Lot

Parker: So what are you up to this weekend?

Claire: I don't know. I'll probably come up with some creative way to avoid my family. Why?

Parker: I'm having this big party on Saturday.

Claire: Yeah?

Parker: Yeah, my dad and my stepmom are renewing their vows in Hawaii.

Claire: You're not going?

Parker: No way. They do this like every six months. It's so not a big deal. And guess who has the keys to her dad's total party house in Bel Air?

Claire: I'm beginning to see how this Little Miss Perfect act pays off.

Parker: Yeah, why do you think I do it? So what's up with you and Mr. OD?

Claire: Shut up.

Parker: No, I was just wondering if he's, like, ya know, over it.

Claire: Yeah, he is. He's incredibly strong. He's much stronger than he thinks.

Parker: Well, that's a good thing, right?

Claire: I guess.

Parker: Bring him to the party if you want.

Claire: OK, I will.

Scene Six: Brenda's Van

BRENDA is in the driver's seat, NATE in the passenger's.

Brenda: I'm sure he hates me. The one person he thought he could count on, I had him fucking committed.

Nate: Well, it was for his own good.

Brenda: He always felt the entire world was against him. And it's all because of my fucking mother. She had children as, like, a fashion accessory.

Nate: You had no choice. He could harm himself. He did harm himself.

Brenda: I'm so afraid of what he's going to say to me.

Nate: Brenda, you cannot let him hurt you anymore. For your good and for his.

Brenda: Well, what if he thinks I hurt him? What if he's right?

Nate: You saved him.

He touches her arm and she slowly nods.

Scene Seven: Nikolai's Flower Shop

Ruth: (on the phone) I'll go by Bristol, Florence and pick up some of those dried porcini mushrooms. You wanna take me out to dinner? No, there's nothing wrong with it... Just, Hiram, do you realize that you've never taken me out before? I suppose, because of Nathaniel, we just always got in the habit of staying in. (NIKOLAI enters, annoyed that she is talking to HIRAM) I have to run. Can you pick me up at--is 8 too late? No, at the house. Bye, now. (hangs up)

Nikolai: I need you to stay and work tonight.

Ruth: What?

Nikolai: Is very busy right now.

Ruth: We have three unfilled orders, that's nothing. And Robbie's coming in at 6 tomorrow morning.

Nikolai: It's coming up on Father's Day, now. Very busy time.

Ruth: No one sends flowers for Father's Day, which is the day after tomorrow. Do you really think we're going to get a rush of orders tonight?

Nikolai: Yes, you have to stay. Change your plans!

Ruth: No!

Nikolai: This is my business. I am boss here.

Ruth: I'm not debating that, but your authority does not extend to my personal life.

Nikolai: I don't care about your ridiculous personal life. Going to sleep someplace outside in a tent like refugee!

Ruth: Yes, you do. You don't like me seeing Hiram, because you're jealous. Well, it's no longer flattering. It's just irritating! I have chosen Hiram! I'm sorry if I said or did anything that made you feel that wasn't the case, because it is! Now I wish you would stop behaving like a spoiled child. I have dealt with enough children in my life! I'm finally at a point where they can get along without me, and I am not about to go back!

Nikolai: You are fired!

Ruth: You can't do that!

Nikolai: I just do do that! Now you can go get out of her, go on, you are fired, get out!

Scene Eight: Fisher Prep Room

RICO and DAVE stand over LILLIAN's corpse.

Rico: It's a piece of cake. Just the one bump on her head and a pretty big bruise, but most of it's covered by her hair, which, lucky for us, is remarkably thick for a woman her age.

DAVE takes an incoming fax sheet out of the fax machine.

David: (reads message) What? Tracy wants to change the casket, the flowers, the music, and the times of the viewing... and the ceremony. How am I supposed to put together a "resplendent" funeral in two days when she can't make up her fucking mind?

Rico: By telling her that once she signs a contract, she doesn't get to pull any of this shit. That's what I'd do, if I was a partner.

Dave: Which you're not, so please let me handle this, alright? I just need you to do everything in your power to make her look the best she possibly can.

Rico: I always do that, David.

Dave: Of course you do, Federico. It's just that this is a really important funeral, and we stand to make a lot of money.

Rico: Which I won't see any of!

Dave: (leaving) We just gave you a raise.

Scene Nine: Mental Institution

NATE and BRENDA walk down a corridor. They see BILLY farther down, sitting in a weelchair facing the opposite direction, looking out a window.

Nate: Do you want me to come with you?

Brenda: No. I don't want him to know you're here.

Nate: I'll be right out here if you need me.

She kisses him.

Brenda: OK.

She walks up to BILLY.

Brenda: Billy? Hi.

Billy: Hi.

Brenda: How are you doing?

Billy: Uh, fine.

Brenda: Yeah?

Billy: Yeah. Whatever I was feeling before, I'm not feeling now.

Brenda: I'm so sorry, Billy.

Billy: It's so weird. I love you more than anything, and I could've seriously hurt you. It all made sense at the time. I hate this. I hate that my blood makes me crazy. I hate that I can't function without being chemically altered. I hate that I fucked up your life.

Brenda: You haven't. I did that on my own.

Billy: No, you deserve to be happy. I don't. I must have some weird-ass karma.

Brenda: We both do.

Billy: No, it's just me. The fact that I could have hurt you like that upsets me like nothing ever has. When I look at you, all I can say is "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." And inside I feel like tears are streaming down my cheeks. But there're not, are they? (BRENDA's eyes start to well up) Don't cry. Please don't cry just because I can't. You be happy. I want you to be happy. I'll be happy if you are.

Brenda: Okay.

Billy: I'm so lost inside. I wish that I could get out. I don't think I ever will.

Brenda: You will, Billy. (buries her head in his hands)

Billy: (kisses her hair) It's alright. It's OK. You're so beautiful.

Scene Ten: Fisher TV Room

CLAIRE sits watching TV with NATHANIEL, SR. They are both smoking cigarettes. On the TV is home video footage of NATE and DAVE as young boys. They are holding baskets full of easter eggs.

Claire: How come there's no home movies of me when I was a kid?

Nathaniel, Sr.: Well, I'm not sure. After I bought that new Super-8 camera, we filmed everything the boys did. After you came along, I guess we sort of felt, like, ya know, been there, done that.

Claire: Yeah, I know. Which made me feel, like, totally secondary, thank you.

Nathaniel, Sr.: Oh, cheer up, kitten. Maybe some of that attention you never got will motivate you to get off your lazy and do something interesting with your life.

RUTH slams the door as she enters, which wakes CLAIRE up.

Ruth: I got fired today!

Claire: That sucks!

Ruth: Yes, it does, and if you wanna know the truth, I believe I was a victim of sexual harassment.

Claire: What?

Ruth: Nikolai wanted me to work late to keep me from having dinner with Hiram, and when I refused, he fired me!

Claire: Oh, my God! What a dork!

Ruth: I know, can you believe it? I have a good mind to call a lawyer.

Claire: Well, it sounds like you're better off out of there.

Ruth: I have a certificate in floral arranging. I can get a job anywhere.

Claire: Yeah, screw Nikolai!

Ruth: Exactly!

Scene Eleven: Brenda's Van

BRENDA drives again, with NATE in the passenger seat. She is very distraught, upset, and distracted, and keeps looking over at NATE and taking her eye off the road.

Brenda: Have you ever thought about getting married?

Nate: Uh, sure, I've thought about it, but--

Brenda: We've been together almost a year, and you practically live at my house. You've seen me at my worst. What other information do you need?

Nate: We've been together six months, Bren.

Brenda: Oh, I didn't realize you were counting the days.

Nate: I'm not, I just think--

Brenda: What do you do, mark them off at night like a prisoner in a cell? Like the Count of fucking Monte Cristo?

Nate: Since when were you so hot on the idea of marriage?

Brenda: Well, I need to know where this is going. I need to know if I'm wasting my time. What if I want to have children?

Nate: Well, you said you didn't.

Brenda: Do you?

Nate: I--

Brenda: I mean, you're what? 35? What's the longest relationship you've ever been in?

Nate: Uh, this one.

Brenda: Well, uh, that's pathetic.

Nate: Well, what about you? You haven't had a serious relationship since fucking high school!

Brenda: Well, at least I've had a serious fucking relationship! At least I know what one is!

Nate: Oh, and I don't? You know how many guys would have fuckin' skipped out on you after that fucking psycho shit you put me through?!

Brenda: Okay, now we're getting to the point. Now we're getting to what's really going on. You want to bail!

Nate: No, you want me to bail! (NATE looks up in horror, to see that BRENDA has drifted into the other lane and a truck is coming straight at them) Look out!

NATE turns the wheel fast, swerving them off the road. They crash into a parked car.

Scene Twelve: Prep Room


Rico: Augusto's christening is Sunday afternoon. We're thinking about having a party afterwards, you know? For my folks and Vanessa's, and well, our place is a little small. You think we could have it here?

David: Uh, right now, Lillian Montrose's viewing is scheduled from three to six.

Rico: Yeah, yeah, I know. I was thinking after that. I'm only asking you because I still think of your family as my family, and I really want you all to be there.

David: Sure, we'd be happy to let you have the party here.

Rico: Thanks, boss.

David: Could you load me a hypodermic with some phenol solution for this bump?

Rico: Wouldn't you rather start with a phenol compress?

David: Why? An injection would get rid of the swelling and take care of the brusing.

Rico: (impressed) You're getting better at this, Dave.

David: Thank you, Federico. (A fax comes in, RICO gets it) Oh, great, now what? Tracy's decided to have Aunt Lillian cremated and her ashes placed in a Faberge egg. Can we do it by seven tonight?

Rico: (handing him the fax) I think you should look at this.

David: What is it? Oh, good grief!

On the fax is written, in big letters, "FATHER JACK IS GAY!"

Scene Thirteen: Ambulance

BRENDA is unconscious, with bandages on her head. She is wearing an oxygen mask and her head is in a head support. NATE sits nearby, in a neck brace. He is just regaining consciousness. An EMT near him talks into a walkie-talkie, describing Brenda's condition.

Nate: (confused, frantic) Brenda! Brenda! Why won't you talk to me? What happened? What happened?

EMT: Sir, sir, it's ok. Relax, just stay calm. (into his walkie-talkie) Adult male, alert but confused. Has no memory of accident.

Nate: Why's her head in that thing?

EMT: She had an injury. She's gonna be okay.

Nate: (crying) Is she dead?

EMT: She's fine.

Scene Fourteen: Restaurant, nighttime

RUTH and HIRAM are having dinner.

Hiram: How's your sea bass?

Ruth: Delicious, thank you.

Hiram: Ruth, I need to tell you something, and I'm not proud of this.

Ruth: What is it?

Hiram: I've met someone.

Ruth: Oh.

Hiram: I never meant for this to happen. I wasn't looking.

Ruth: Yes, well, that's always when it does happen.

Hiram: Well, I'm not sure quite how to-- oh, boy. I'm not quite sure how to say this.

Ruth: For heaven sakes, spit it out!

Hiram: I'd like to pursue it. Things between you and I have felt not exactly-- And I feel a bond with this new person that -well, the beginnings of a bond-, that could be something quite profound.

Ruth: Alright.

Hiram: I thought you'd be more upset.

Ruth: I would've thought the same thing. Hiram, please, go, explore. You owe it to yourself and whoever she is. Maybe the two of you could have something, as you say, "profound." Lord knows we don't. Well, if it was, this would be a lot more difficult, wouldn't it?

Hiram: Well, it is difficult. For me.

Ruth: Let's order dessert. That'll cheer you up.

Scene Fifteen: Hospital

NATE walks into BRENDA's room. She still has a bandage on her head. He has a small band-aid on his.

Brenda: Hey, you!

Nate: Doctor says you're gonna be okay.

Brenda: Well, I like hearing that. What about you?

Nate: I'm okay. Banged up, but apparently, nothing broken.

Brenda: I'm sorry I almost killed you. Goddammit, this is gonna send my car insurance premiums through the roof!

Nate: (laughs, then gets serious) When you were unconscious, I prayed. You know how long it's been since I prayed? I have never prayed like this!

Brenda: Because of me you've become... born again! (NATE laughs) I'm so sorry.

Nate: You are one incredibly difficult and, sometimes, infuriating woman. I cannot imagine my life without you. Promise me you'll be a better driver. Promise me you'll take care of yourself. Promise me you'll live as long as you can, cause I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. So if you wanna get married, I'm all for it.

Brenda: OK, maybe I was overreacting. (both laugh) Let's just take one step at a time, shall we?

They both kiss.

Brenda: (notices his band-aid, caresses his head) Oh, poor baby!

Nate: Yeah.

The screen fades to white.

Act Two

Scene One: St. Bart's, afternoon

A deacon's meeting.

Walter Kriegenthaler: Father Jack doesn't deny he performed a commitment ceremony for two lesbians.

Connie: Privately, not in the church.

Walter: The Landuth Conference Resolution on Sexuality expressly condemns the blessing of same-sex unions and counsels against ordination of those involved. I mean, do we really want our children learning from a man who--?

Connie: (overlapping) Whether or not we agree with this resolution, there is no evidence that Jack himself is gay!

Walter: I mean, do we really want our children learning from a man who ignores God's laws? I think we should ask Jack to leave, and so do James and Owen, and I'm guessing David feels the same.

MARC appears outside the glass doors, still bloodied and beaten. He smiles, sneeringly at DAVID, who looks pained.

David: Actually, I don't.

Walter: The church rejects homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture.

David: So, because of their random genetics, gay people should be denied any romantic or sexual love?

Walter: That is liberal claptrap! It's not genetics! It can be overcome!

David: Walter, the only way that you could possibly know that for sure is if it's something that you overcame! (CONNIE smiles)

Walter: And the only way you couldn't know it is if it's something you're not strong enough to overcome. Are you gay, David?

David: Yes.

Walter: Then his vote cannot be counted!

Connie: That's ridiculous! He's a deacon! He gets a vote!

Walter: David does not obey the laws of the church!

Connie: Without his vote, it's an even split. How do you intend to resolve the matter?

Walter: I think we should get the Bishop involved!

MARC continues to smile malevolently at DAVID, who looks even more pained.

Scene Two: Slumber Room

TRACY prepares to examine the coffin. RICO stands near her.

Tracy: OK, we talked about the flowers. I gave you the CD I burned with music for the viewing... I wish David were here. I'd much prefer to go over things with him than with some underling, but-- (RICO, annoyed, takes the wrapping off the casket) Oh, no! No! Oh, no, this won't do!

Rico: What?

Tracy: Well, this right here. (pointing) There's a nick in the wood!

Rico: Oh, no, that's part of the grain.

Tracy: I don't think so. Alright, well, we'll just have to return it and get a new one.

Rico: That's not possible.

Tracy: (stops in her tracks) I'm sorry?

Rico: There's nothing wrong with this casket, and, even if there was, it's too late to get another one like it by tomorrow.

Tracy: I don't care how much it costs.

Rico: This isn't about the cost. There's not another one of this model available. We had to have this one shipped down from San Francisco, as it was.

Tracy: I am very unhappy about this.

Rico: Well, if you'd like to call things off, I could bring your aunt's body up, and you can take it somewhere else, okay? (Tracy is speechless)

Scene Three: Fisher Kitchen

Ruth: (answering phone) Hello? Hiram, there's nothing to talk about.

CLAIRE enters.

Ruth: (to HIRAM) No, I'm not angry.

Claire: Oh, Mom, I'll probably be spending tonight at a friend's house.

Ruth: (to CLAIRE) What friend?

Claire: Parker McKenna.

Ruth: I don't know any Parker.

Claire: Well, you haven't met her yet.

Ruth: (yelling at HIRAM) Oh, good grief! Hiram, you're the one who wanted to break up. Well, I'm sorry if you're having second thoughts, because I'm not! (hangs up; to CLAIRE) Men can be so stupid.

Claire: (surprised) Um... yeah.

Ruth: I'd like for you to have Parker's mother call me, okay?

Claire: Okay.

Scene Four: Brenda's Hospital Room

BRENDA sleeps, NATE watches her. The DOCTOR enters.

Doctor: Oh, Nate, I'm glad you're here. I need to talk to you later.

Nate: About what?

Doctor: In private. (to BRENDA, waking up) Good morning. How are you this morning?

Brenda: Oh, God. I was having the most incredible dream. I was swimming with dolphins, only we weren't swimming, we were flying. Oh, and Drew Barrymore was there!

Doctor: (doing a eye check-up on her) Whatever you were on, I would like some of it.

Brenda: She was like my best friend.

Doctor: How's your headache today?

Brenda: It's better... Oh, my God, and there was this shark following us, and I think it was Courtney Love.

Doctor: How'd she look?

Brenda: She was in Versace.

They both laugh. NATE looks at BRENDA, concerned.

Scene Five: Father Jack's Office

JACK and DAVID are sitting in JACK's office. JACK pours DAVID a glass of scotch, emptying the bottle.

David: Why are we supposed to believe that the same God who made us, wants us to be lonely and frustrated all our lives while the rest of the world is free to make love and have families?

Jack: No, God isn't that cruel.

David: Good for you for marrying two lesbians!

Jack: My high school girlfriend.

David: Who do you think sent that fax?

Jack: Walter swears it wasn't him.

David: I am so fucking tired of being ashamed!

Jack: Hmm.

There's a pause. They both drink from their glasses. JACK empties his.

David: We'll just fight back, you and me. We'll fight them. Walter's just a bully. We'll just bully him back!

Jack: I don't think that's such a good idea. (gets up to pour himself more scotch from another bottle) I've agreed to not officiate at any other gay weddings.

David: And you get to stay? (Jack nods) How do you feel about that?

Jack: Relieved. I've put in almost six years here at St. Bart's, and I'd really prefer not to have to start over somewhere new. Not at this point in my life. And I have a favor to ask of you: I need you to resign as deacon. Otherwise Walter will keep making noise until he gets his way, and I'd really prefer not to get the Bishop involved.

David: Jack, you can't give into them!

Jack: I know which battles can be won, David. This is not one of them.

David: Well, I guess I just thought that you were, I don't know, braver than that.

Jack: I'm tired. I'm tired of trying to make things better around here and never succeeding because of politics. I just don't have it in me right now.

David: But how can you--? You're gay.

Jack: No, I'm not. I'm not. People have always assumed that, but I'm not. Sorry. More Scotch?

MARC appears sitting in the armchair opposite DAVID, where JACK was before. He looks even more grotesque than before. One of his eyes is completely discolored. He smiles and signals with his eyes.

David: No, thanks.

Scene Six: Parker's House

GABE and CLAIRE approach the front door.

Gabe: I really don't want to be here.

Claire: Get over yourself! I know you and Parker had sex. So what? You're not the first guy I've slept with.

Gabe: Right, but am I the last?

Claire: Maybe. (they smile at each other)

They open the door. The house is filled with people. It is a huge mansion.

Gabe: Wow! What the fuck do these people do?

Claire: Her father's like some movie bigwig, I think.

They see a group of kids in one room, snorting coke.

One Guy: Invitation only!

CLAIRE and GABE go into another room.

Gabe: Okay, this is tragic.

Claire: We can always leave.

Gabe: Let's just find the bar. (asks a girl) Excuse me, excuse me, do you know where the bar is?

Girl: Over there.

Gabe: Great.

GABE and CLAIRE proceed to the next room.

Claire: Where's Parker?

Gabe: This is not her house, this is a porn party. I'm telling you, they're shooting a porno here.

A guy walks by and stares at them. They both laugh.

Gabe: Oh, my God! Faggot!

Claire: Hey, shut up. My brother's a faggot.

Gabe: Oh, yeah, I'm sorry.

Claire: Well, let's just say "Hi" and leave, okay?

Gabe: No, this is getting good. It could be kind of fun.

They enter the kitchen. PARKER's flirting with a guy, WARREN.

Gabe: Hey, Parker!

Parker: Hey.

Gabe: This is a really nice house you've got here.

Parker: Yeah, I know. But, of course, I don't get to live here. I just get to trash it when they're gone. This is Warren. This is Claire.

Warren: (shaking hands) Nice to meet you.

Parker: And--

Gabe: Gabriel.

GABE and CLAIRE laugh.

Scene Seven: Examination Room, Hospital

The DOCTOR shows NATE CAT-scans of a brain.

Doctor: This is what concerns me, this area of decreased attenuation. It's very faint. Doesn't look like there's an acute injury, but something's not right.

Nate: Well, she's going to be alright, isn't she?

Doctor: These are your CAT-scan results, Nate.

Nate: Mine?

Doctor: Don't worry about Brenda. Hers was totally clean.

Nate: So, what do you think it is?

Doctor: I'd like to give you a shot of contrast dye and do another CAT-scan to really know.

Scene Eight: Parker's Living Room/Fisher Kitchen

Parker: (on phone with RUTH) Hello? Mrs. Fisher? This is Illyse McKenna, Parker's stepmother. Claire asked me to call you?

Ruth: Yes. I just wanted to be sure there's proper adult supervision if she's staying there.

Parker: Oh, absolutely, yes, of course! Don't worry for a minute.

Ruth: Alright, then. I don't want her drinking.

Parker: There isn't even any liquor in the house. You see, my husband and I are both alcoholics, and Parker's fresh out of rehab, so, we'll take really good care of Claire. I promise. Kisses! (hangs up, RUTH looks horrified. PARKER laughs)

Claire: That was mean.

Parker: (playing innocent) What?

Scene Nine: Parker's House, exterior, by the pool

GABE hangs out with DINK and ANDY.

Gabe: Hollywood ass-maxing party! Everybody's wearing leather or rubber.

Dink: Seriously, bro, seriously!

Gabe: Rip those fucking groins out!

Dink: No shit! Dude, where were you last night? I called your house, and your mom was all: "I don't know."

Gabe: Just hangin' with my girl.

ANDY offers him a joint.

Gabe: No.

ANDY gives it to DINK.

Andy: Well, while you were getting your toes sucked, we sucked out a free sixer from 7-Eleven!

Dink: We pulled a fuckin' Beer Cow! Hell, yeah, dude, Beer Cow! (slaps hands with ANDY)

Andy: That was the shit!

Gabe: What the fuck is a Beer Cow?

Dink: Oh, shit, it was mad! We go to buy some beer, right, and we get to the counter, and it's like, nobody has enough cash...

Andy: So Dink just starts fuckin' mooing at the top of his lungs at this guy, right? So, I was like: "fuck it", I saw it and started mooing too.

Dink: Oh, yeah, but like really fuckin' loud like we might totally go nuts!

Andy: Dude, the guy was so fuckin' scared of us! It was hilarious, man! It was like a total movie moment! (offers GABE the joint again, and this time he takes it)

Dink: Fuck, yeah! And then we grab all the beer and we fly!

Andy: We laughed for like five straight hours. This was the shit!

Dink: Yeah, Beer Cow, right! We gotta do that shit again, man. I haven't had that much fun since I was like six!

GABE laughs.

Dink: Fuckin' Beer Cow, right?

Scene Ten: Doctor's Office

NATE sits, nervously. The DOCTOR finally enters.

Doctor: Well, we did find something that concerns me. My guess would be that it's AVM -- arteriovenous malformation.

Nate: Well, what the fuck is that?

Doctor: Abnormally enlarged and intertwined blood vessels in your brain. Have you been experiencing any headaches?

Nate: Yeah, I get headaches, I take Advil, they go away.

Doctor: Any vertigo? Nausea? Problems with your balance?

Nate: Nope.

Doctor: Any fluctuation in your field of vision?

Nate: Like what?

Doctor: Like, fluttering in your peripheral vision.

Nate: Once.

Doctor: Do the headaches seem to affect one side of the head more than the other?

Nate: The left side. Sometimes.

Doctor: Well, I would like to schedule an MRI for you as soon as possible.

Nate: What's the worst case scenario here?

Doctor: Nate, it's way too early for that.

Nate: You fuckin' tell me.

Doctor: Not all vascular malfunctions of the brain become symptomatic. Some however carry significant risk of hemorraghe.

Nate: So I could have a stroke?

Doctor: You could be at a much higher risk for stroke or seizure than most people. We need to do more tests to be certain.

Nate: Could I die from this?

Doctor: It's possible. Yes.

Nate: Well, this has gotta be some kind of mistake: I don't smoke; I haven't had any red meat since 1989; I run 3 miles a day.

Doctor: Don't blow this out of proportion. There are treatments, surgical options. Even if it is AVM, you could live for another fifty years. However, I would like to run a full cardiovascular profile on you before you continue with the running, okay?

Scene Eleven: Ruth's Car

RUTH drives. NATE's in the passenger seat, and BRENDA lies in the back.

Ruth: This happened yesterday? For heavens sake, why didn't you call me earlier?

Nate: Because I thought I was okay.

Ruth: Well, you are okay, aren't you?

Nate: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

Ruth: I'm a nervous wreck! (to BRENDA) Are you alright, dear?

Brenda: Yes, thank you.

Ruth: Well, I want you both to promise me that you'll be more careful from now on!

Brenda: We promise.

Nathaniel, Sr.: Oh, boy!

NATE turns around to see NATHANIEL, SR. in the back seat, where BRENDA had been sitting.

Nathaniel, Sr.: This time, it's personal.

Brenda: (back in her place) What's wrong?

Nate: Nothing.

Scene Twelve: Parker's House, Bedroom

PARKER and WARREN lay in bed together, making out.

Warren: So how old did you say you were?

Parker: How old do you want me to be?

Claire: (enters) Parker? (seeing the couple) Oh, gross! Sorry!

Parker: (annoyed) What do you want?

Claire: I was just looking for Gabe. I'm sorry. (leaves)

Scene Thirteen: Convenience Store

GABE, ANDY and DINK bring two cases of beer to the register. The cashier goes to ring them up.

Andy: No, no.

The guy stops.

Andy: Moo.

Dink: Moo.

Gabe: Moo.

They all continue to moo for a few seconds. The cashier gets very scared. GABE takes out a gun from his pocket.

Gabe: Hey, say "moo"!

ANDY and DINK look very freaked out.

Andy: Where the fuck did you get that?

Gabe: (ignoring them, to the cashier) Say "Moo!"

Cashier: Moo.

Gabe: Now, give me the fuckin' money out of the register! (to DINK) Now, go get the fuckin' car!

The cashier hands over the money. ANDY carries the beer out of the store. We see security camera footage of the scene.

Gabe: (to the cashier) Moo.

He leaves behind ANDY. The cashier waits a few seconds till they are gone and then calls the cops.

Scene Fourteen: Cafe

KEITH and DAVID sit and have coffee.

David: So, do you think I should resign?

Keith: What do you want to do?

David: Well, I don't want to belong to a church that's so fucking intolerant! I certainly don't want to waste my time fighting a fight that cannot be won, but I don't want to just sit back and take it, either. I've been doing that my whole fucking life and I'm fucking sick to death of it! Oh, and to top it all off, I'm scheduled to do a devotional reading during Mass tomorrow!

Keith: Wow. You gonna do it?

David: Of course! They're not gonna intimidate me into just disappearing! Oh, I came out to my mother.

Keith: You're kidding!

David: It was really uncomfortable!

Keith: How is she taking it?

David: It's hard to tell. She's just as weird as always!

They both laugh.

David: Thanks for meeting me here today. I just had to talk about it to somebody, you know, and I could always talk to you.

Keith: Well, I'm glad that we've managed to remain friends. Listen, I've gotta run, I'm meeting Eddie later. Hey, he said he saw you at the candlelight vigil for Marc Foster.

David: Yeah, yeah, I was driving by on my way home. Okay, well, thanks again.

Keith: Yeah, well, let me know how it all turns out.

David: I will.

Keith: Take care, David.

David: You too. (after KEITH leaves) Tell Eddie I said "Hi!"

Messed-up MARC appears in an outside cafe table and stares at DAVID.

Scene Fifteen: Parker's House, interior

CLAIRE watches kids in the other room, doing all sorts of drugs. NATHANIEL, SR. sits beside her.

Nathaniel, Sr.: Don't you want to do what those really cool kids in there are doing?

Claire: No.

Nathaniel, Sr.: Where's your boyfriend?

Claire: I don't know.

Nathaniel, Sr.: I like him.

Claire: You do?

Nathaniel, Sr.: Yeah. Something about him. Can't quite put my finger on it.

GABE, ANDY and DINK enter, laughing hysterically. GABE takes a beer out of the pack and brings it to CLAIRE. She gives him a weird look, suspecting something fishy.

Gabe: Hey.

Claire: Where'd you go?

Gabe: We just went to get some more beer. What, did you miss me?

Claire: Not that much, Ego Man!

They hug.

Scene Sixteen: Fisher Front Room

The doorbell rings repeatedly. NATE answers it, and TRACY walks in.

Nate: Hi. Can I help you?

Tracy: I'd like to speak to David, if at all possible.

Nate: Well, he's not here right now.

Tracy: Well, where is he?

Nate: I'm not sure. Perhaps I can help you.

Tracy: Perhaps you can. That remains to be seen. My aunt's viewing is tomorrow and I'm not at all satisfied with the state of her casket!

Nate: Alright.

Tracy: I spoke to one of your other employees about it earlier today, and he didn't seem to be the slightest bit concerned!

Nate: Well--

Tracy: I'll show you, I'll show you.

She leads him into the Slumber Room and shows him the casket.

Tracy: See?, right here. It's been nicked.

Nate: How about we take a hundred bucks off?

Tracy: I want a new casket!

Nate: Well, I'm not sure that's an option.

Tracy: Why does nobody around here seem to care about doing things right?

Nate: (beat) If I'm not mistaken, you haven't even signed a contract, right?

Tracy: That's not the point!

Nate: So you can turn around at the end of all this and say: "I never agreed to that", and then refuse to pay?

Tracy: Of course not, that's ridiculous!

Nate: Yeah, that is ridiculous. So I'm going to get that contract right now and, until you sign it, you don't get to complain about anything else.

Tracy: I resent your implication!

Nate: (very angry) You oughtta be thanking your fucking stars that you're alive and healthy! And that you don't live in a place where you have to work like a dog just to starve or get shot in the street! (Tracy is stunned and remains silent. Nate calms down.) I'll be right back with that contract.

He leaves. Tracy stays by the coffin whimpering.

The screen fades to white.

Act Three

Scene One: Fisher Front Room/Parker's House, morning

At first, we see grainy film footage of CLAIRE walking down the stairs. Then, we realize that NATHANIEL, SR., with the hairstyle he had in the old home movies, is taking home movies now of CLAIRE, with his old camera. She looks annoyed.

Nathaniel, Sr.: I thought this is what you wanted.

Claire: Well, it's too little, too late. What, are you trying to get your wings?

Nathaniel, Sr.: Where's your boyfriend? I do like him.

Claire: Yeah, you said that already.

Nathaniel, Sr.: He'll be headed over to my neck of the woods pretty soon! (laughs evily)

CLAIRE wakes up in PARKER's house. She's sleeping on the couch with GABE. She sees another couple flirting in a couch in the next room. She turns and stares at GABE for a while. He starts to move, caresses her hair, kisses her forehead, and falls back asleep. She starts to relax again, but seems concerned.

Scene Two: Outdoors

NATE goes on a run, disregarding the doctor's advice. He seems to run with more aggression and drive than usual. He ends up where he finished his run at the end of the pilot episode, across from the bus stop.

Scene Three: Nikolai's Flower Shop

RUTH enters the shop. It is empty and NIKOLAI sits in a chair, completely drunk.

Nikolai: Why you are here? You're fired!

Ruth: Dear Lord, have you been here all night?

Nikolai: Go drive in the woods with your man who burns chicken in a funny little toy car!

Ruth: I came here to get my things before I go to church. I thought this would be a safe time not to run into you.

Nikolai: Is he rich?

Ruth: What? No.

Nikolai: So, he's a good lover, yeah?

Ruth: That's none of your business.

Nikolai: Because you are the kind of woman who needs a good lover.

Ruth: Oh, and why is that?

Nikolai: Because you're so scared of feeling. You are scared of your own heart. (he stands up) You should have a man who can touch you there, who sees your beauty. I'm hoping he is this man for you.

RUTH slowly walks over to NIKOLAI... and kisses him passionately and tenderly.

Scene Four: St. Bart's, Sunday Mass

Jack: (at the podium) In your steadfast faith and love, that through your grace, we may proclaim your truth with boldness and minister your justice with compassion, for the sake of our savior, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for now and forever. Amen.

Congregation: Amen.

JACK steps down and DAVID walks to the podium, with his prayer book.

David: (reads) In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust. Let me never be ashamed. Deliver me in thy righteousness-- (stops reading, looks up) "Let me never be ashamed." There's a concept! I've been ashamed my entire life. (we see a shot of KEITH and EDDIE in the audience) I grew up thinking I was unworthy in the eyes of God, instead of trusting God. Not to be an ignorant, frightened bigot. (now there's a shot of an indignant WALTER and an smiling CONNIE) Because of this, I've made myself crazy. I've put myself in danger. I've made a lot of mistakes. Big mistakes. Which all could have been avoided if I just had faith. Faith that maybe God really is love, like we say. How am I supposed to spread God's love throughout the world when I deny it to myself?

The audience erupts into applause. DAVID looks up. The congregation is completely silent.

David: God be with you all.

He steps down. JACK smiles. As the organ starts up, DAVID looks at one of the stained glass windows. It is a picture of a priest. A young man kneels in front of him, as the priest places his hands down on the young man's head. It looks remarkably like they young man is giving the priest head. DAVID laughs to himself.

Scene Five: Outside St. Stephen's, shortly after

People shake DAVE's hand. MARC appears in front of DAVID. He looks alive, young and perfect, no longer battered or bloody.

Marc: (sweetly) Thank you.

He smiles genuinely.

DAVID smiles back.

KEITH comes up behind DAVID, turns him around and hugs him.

Keith: David, I am so proud of you!

Eddie: That was great, David. (shakes his hand)

David: I didn't even know you were here!

Keith: Come on, I had to see what you were going to do.

Eddie: Hey, we're going to get something to eat. Why don't you come with us?

Keith: Yeah, and maybe a movie afterwards.

David: I can't. I've gotta work.

Eddie: Ok, well, congratulations. You spoke the truth.

David: Thank you.

Eddie: (pats him on the back, walks away) Take care. (he crosses a look with Keith, who stays a bit longer)

Keith: OK, well, don't be a stranger.

Scene Six: Nikolai's Flower Shop

RUTH and NIKOLAI put their clothes back on, after having had sex. NIKOLAI is beaming.

Nikolai: We go for big breakfast now, yeah?

Ruth: No, I can't, I'm sorry.

Nikolai: But it's Sunday!

Ruth: I can't believe I missed church! My son was giving a reading during the service!

Nikolai: You're happy, no?

Ruth: Yes. I'm very happy.

NIKOLAI hands her a white rose.

Ruth: I'm never going to marry you.

Nikolai: What?

Ruth: I will be your friend and your lover, but I will never be your wife. I spent the first half of my life doing that. I don't need to do it again.

Nikolai: Maybe I can convince you.

Ruth: No, not going to happen.

Scene Seven: Slumber Room, Lillian's Viewing

NATE watches the viewing from the next room. He looks very upset. DAVID walks up behind him.

David: Nate, Mom told me about the accident. Are you alright?

Nate: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

David: Thanks for making Tracy sign that contract. I don't know if you've noticed this, but she's kind of crazy.

Nate: Yeah, I got a whiff of that.

David: And thanks for staying in L.A. and helping me run the business. Things have been a lot more fun around here since you've been home.

Nate: (welling up) I thank you, Dave. (he hugs him and dries his eyes)

Rico: (walking up behind him) I'm gonna be late for Augusto's christening, I've gotta run. Oh, that crazy-ass neice is upstairs and won't come down.

NATE indicates to DAVE that he should go up.

David: Uh uh, I think this one is yours.

Nate: Ok, but I'm warning you: I might just fuckin' punch her.

DAVE laughs. NATE pat's him in the chest and leaves.

Scene Eight: Upstairs Room

TRACY sits at a table. She's been crying a long time. NATE sits beside her.

Nate: May I have a seat?

Tracy: (crying) My aunt Lillian was the only person who ever really loved me. My parents didn't. My husband certainly didn't. And now she's dead. Her husband died, and her daughter died too, in a car crash on her 17th birthday. But Aunt Lillian just went on. She raised Welsh Corkies, and she took up water colors, and she loved me, and now she's dead! I've never felt this alone in the world, and I'm used to feeling alone. I know what that's like, and now I find out that there's this whole new level. (she stares at NATE and NATE stares back, encouraging her to go on) Why do people have to die?

There's a long pause while NATE thinks of an answer. Then...

Nate: To make life important. None of us know how long we've got, which is why we have to make each day matter, and it sounds like your aunt Lillian did exactly that.

Tracy: Yes, she did.

Nate: Then you can be happy for her-- for a life well-lived. That's the most any of us can hope for. (tears up as well)

Tracy: I go to funerals sometimes, funerals of people I don't even know. "Harold and Maude" is, like, my favorite movie of all time. I saw it when I was in Junior High and it profoundly affected my life.

Nate: It's a good movie.

Tracy: You're very kind. Are you married?

Nate: Sort of.

They smiles at each other.

Scene Nine: Fisher Front Room, later that day

RICO enters first, looks around and sees the coast is clear.

Rico: (calls behind him) Come on in!

JULIO runs in, VANESSA follows.

Vanessa: Julio!

RICO grabs JULIO and lifts him up. VANESSA enters the slumber room.

Vanessa: Baby, does that dead lady have to be in here?

Rico: Uh--no. I'll take it out right now.

Other relatives start entering.

Scene Ten: Slumber Room/Front Room, much later

The house is filled with people: RICO, VANESSA, their relatives, their children and all of the Fishers. Spanish music plays in the background. It is a boisterous scene. NATE comes down. He stands outside the room and observes. He sees RICO hand AUGUSTO to DAVID, who picks him up, smiling. The scene quiets. He sees RUTH chatting, happily, with BRENDA. He sees GABE kissing CLAIRE on the cheek, while she sees him staring and smiles back at him. Everything, for this brief moment, is right with the world. BRENDA comes up to him. Sound returns.

Brenda: What's up with you?

Nate: I'm just thinking about how lucky I am.

Brenda: I love you. You know that, right?

Nate: Yeah.

They smile and kiss. She leans her head on his shoulder. The camera backs up.

On the stairs, Nathaniel, Sr. watches the scene and smiles. Then he turns and ascends the stairs.

The screen fades to white.



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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

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